Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

The Mausoleum was erected in the mid-fifth century by emperor Honorius -who had transferred the Capital of the Western Empire from Milan to Ravenna – for his sister Galla Placidia. […]

Neonian or Orthodox Baptistery

It is one of the most ancient monuments of Ravenna, probably dating back to the beginning of the V century and later restored under the bishop Neone (450-475). Among the […]

Giardini Pensili

The Rasponi Crypt and and the Giardini Pensili (‘Roof gardens’) of the Provincia Palace are next Dante’s tomb. The oldest part of the architectural complex is the crypt, with a […]

Basilic of San Vitale

The octagonal church was built between 535 and 547 and it shows the influence of oriental art. The most famous mosaics celebrate the Emperors Justinian and Theodora with court men […]

Basilic of Sant’Apollinare Nuovo

This is the most prestigious arian church, erected by the ostrogoth king Theoderic next to his palace. It is called ‘Nuovo’ (New) to distinguish it from Sant’Apollinare in Classe, where […]

Mausoleum of Theodoric

The monument was built in 520 by Theoderic using Istrian stone, which makes it different from Ravenna brick buildings and more similar to Roman massive mausoleums. It was inscribed with […]

Brancaleone Fortress

It was built by Venetians in the mid-fifteenth century to strengthen the city’s defenses, it consists of a fortress, with imposing circular towers, and the citadel. It houses a beautiful […]

Arian Baptistery

This baptistery was erected during Theodoric’s reign, when Ravenna was the capital of the empire and the Arianism was the official religion of the court. Due to this heretical doctrine, […]

Piazza del Popolo

It is the main square of Ravenna, located right in the center of the town. You can admire Palazzo Comunale and the statues of the two patrons, Saint Apollinare and […]

Dante’s Tomb

The famous poet who celebrated Florence is actually buried in Ravenna, where he died of malaria during his exile (1318-1321). The neoclassical mausoleum was built at the end of the […]