Port Services

The terminal is a clearly defined and demarcated area along the coast where vessels can disembark and embark.Our terminal is a well-protected and equipped space where ship repairs can be accomplished.
Check-in takes place in the terminal building, where Police and Customs offices are located.
- Info Point. (Managed by the city o Ravenna)
- Check-in
- Police/Immigration/Customs
- Luggage handling
- Transit port
- Turnaround port
- Free Wi-Fi

In the port area, security as protection of people and objects with respect to possible acts of a criminal nature is a fundamental aspect that is managed through supervision and control activities. These security operations are carried out based on a risk assessment and a well-defined planning.
- ISPS compliant
- Security X-Ray for cabin-luggage and hand-luggage
- Metal Detectors for passengers
- Additional Security Services

RCCP is committed to design and build the cruise terminal to answer guests’ needs.
The cruise terminal, 10.000 m2 on two floors, will be the connecting element between the pier and the outport leading to the “Parco delle dune – Park of dunes”, which will extend on an area of 117.000 m2 and will be realized by the Municipality of Ravenna.

Marine Services
Mooring, Piloting and Towing are technical-nautical services that fall within the main activity of the port. These services are intended to ensure the safety of the port docking and the navigation.
- Mooring
- Towage
- Pilotage

Ship Services
In our port are available specific services for ships such as the supply of drinking water, supplies and waste disposal. These reliable services provided by current regulations are part of the management of the permanence of the ships moored in port.
- Fresh water supply
- Provisions supply
- Waste & garbage disposal
- Bunkering